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Our story

Eleven years ago, a group of young entrepreneurs came together to create the first virtual interview platform in Latin America, responding to the need to digitize job interviews increasing productivity and efficiency to the selection process.


Quite daring at that time when face-to-face interviews were considered essential. Years have proven their vision correct and video interviews are currently considered a vital tool in the optimization of processes.


Working closely with our clients, co-creating with them, we develop solutions to meet the objectives and challenges of Human Resources. Ventrevista expanded its virtual interview frontier to become a platform with digital solutions for modern attraction and selection.


From this transformation, VISTA-jobs is born, our new corporate identity, reflects the evolution of Ventrevista. VISTAjobs provides a portfolio of tools aligned with recruitment and selection trends, with flexible monthly and annual fees.


A modern, friendly, safe and efficient platform, enhancing the process of employer branding, focused on facilitating the tasks of recriuting teams and providing a great user experience to candidates.

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Tel: (57 + 1) 744 66 67

Address: Calle 98 No. 9A - 41,

Edif. AB Proyectos - Office 506 - Bogotá DC - Colombia

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