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Corporate site for your company

When using social recruiting, VISTAjobs links your job posts to social and professional media sites (Facebook, Facebook Jobs, Linkedin, Google Jobs, Twitter and others).


Obtain maximum speed, reach and job posts.

It has a career website or corporate company site, with a URL generated directly from Vista-JOBS, easily customizable. Publish content, tell your story and publish all your processes.

recruitment software

Tell your story and publish your vacancies on the site

If the first impression is what counts, then the Corporate Site for companies is the best cover letter for candidates and applicants. Strengthen your employer brand and have a URL with fully customizable content where you can publish all your vacancies and processes.

When using social recruiting, VISTAjobs links your job posts to social and professional media sites (Facebook, Facebook Jobs, Linkedin, Google Jobs, Twitter and others).


Obtain maximum speed, reach and job posts.

When using social recruiting, VISTAjobs links your job posts to social and professional media sites (Facebook, Facebook Jobs, Linkedin, Google Jobs, Twitter and others).


Obtain maximum speed, reach and job posts.

It is a micro site to attract and direct candidates to apply.

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Tell your story: tell your candidates who you are, your culture, your values and testimonials from current workers.

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Publish vacancies: you can publish your available vacancies so that candidates can see the processes to which they can apply

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“Drag & Drop” Editor: a drag and drop editor that will allow you to assemble and customize in a few minutes, adding different types of content in text, images, videos and more.

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Flexible: You can choose when to display your site, as you can activate and deactivate it so that it is public when you need it.

recruitment software

When using social recruiting, VISTAjobs links your job posts to social and professional media sites (Facebook, Facebook Jobs, Linkedin, Google Jobs, Twitter and others).


Obtain maximum speed, reach and job posts.

When using social recruiting, VISTAjobs links your job posts to social and professional media sites (Facebook, Facebook Jobs, Linkedin, Google Jobs, Twitter and others).


Obtain maximum speed, reach and job posts.

When using social recruiting, VISTAjobs links your job posts to social and professional media sites (Facebook, Facebook Jobs, Linkedin, Google Jobs, Twitter and others).


Obtain maximum speed, reach and job posts.


Great tool for Talent Acquisition (TA) and Recruitment Marketing (RM) to boost the attraction of the best talent.

When using social recruiting, VISTAjobs links your job posts to social and professional media sites (Facebook, Facebook Jobs, Linkedin, Google Jobs, Twitter and others).


Obtain maximum speed, reach and job posts.

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Tel: (57 + 1) 744 66 67

Address: Calle 98 No. 9A - 41,

Edif. AB Proyectos - Office 506 - Bogotá DC - Colombia

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