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Smart Recruitment


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Digitize operational tasks such as recruitment, interviews and assessments, and reduce hiring costs and times.


De forma ágil, los reclutadores obtienen un primer resultado de idoneidad de los candidatos, y con base al resultado, siguen o no en el proceso (entrevista asincrónica).

Our algorithm does it for you


How does it work?

General and strategic filters are set for the vacancy, such as geographic location, educational level, second language level, work experience, among others.

Defining a compendium of essential filters to establish the suitability of the candidate's profile. Additionally, you can ask the candidate to upload documents relevant to the position such as their CV, driving license, visas, work references, academic certificates, etc.



Strengthen your team's digital skills and provide professional growth.

Depending on the vacancy, define the records, filters and documents you require to pre-select the ideal candidates.

Si quieres saber más acerca de esta funcionalidad, puedes comenzar tu experiencia ahora mismo.

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-Y con todas las funcionalidades de VISTA-JOBS

Comprueba por ti mismo por qué VISTA-JOBS es la plataforma que están utilizando los profesionales de los Recursos Humanos de hoy.

-Interfaz amigable

-Sin costo de licencias o descargas

-Adaptada a las necesidades de trabajo remoto

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